Sunday, January 26, 2014

Little Sisters of the Poor - Enemies of the State

The Little Sisters of the Poor is a charitable and spiritual organization of Catholic Sisters who have dedicated themselves to humble service, companionship and service to the elderly poor.  They are bound to their service with a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience to the Lord.  According to their public statements, they offer their personal talents and gifts, possessions and will—all that we are and have—for His glory and the salvation of souls.
They have recently made the news because of a (Supreme) court ruling in their favor and against provisions in Obamacare that they be required to be offered birth control.  Now when you see people in court who are in there for murder, organized crime, conspiracy or other heinous crimes, you don't feel sorry for them and are usually glad that they were caught and are now receiving justice.  But what does it mean when the people you are facing in court are nearly Holy Saints who have bound themselves with an oath to lifetime of good works?  Shouldn't it be a signal to you that something in your own life has gone terribly wrong? 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, sad times. Sigh ...

    I'm not sure that it makes everyone stop and think, though. I posted an Onion article on Facebook the other day about a similar topic (,34860/), but one of my friends just responded with an angry post about some crazy guy in Utah fasting until the court stopped same-sex couples from getting married. Sigh ...
